Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Advice for the new Town Council Members……


As council members you can do good things and you can do bad things, it’s not always clear from that side of the dais. But, it’s always OK to do the right thing.

The New Southern Shores Town Council…..

The selection of council members in Southern Shores is a non-partisan election based on three four year seats or two four year seats becoming available on a two year cycle. This year there were three seats up for election with six candidates running. Unfortunately, I came in fourth loosing by twelve votes. The next election will be November of 2009 when one council seat and the Mayor’s seat will be available.

Our new Town Council:

Mayor : Don Smith

Mayor Pro Tem: Brian McDonald

Council Members: Jodie Hess, Jim Pfizenmayer, and Kevin Stroud

Contact information can be found here.