Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I was just too curious......................................

Reading the article in Sunday's Coastland Times regarding last weeks contract discussions, I didn't see among the quoted statements, some thing Mayor Smith said.

He was quoted as saying, that as far as he was concerned “this is it” (in reference to the contract document). My memory is that he further indicated that contract needed to be signed and returned within seven days, or “other means” of service may have to be arranged. Since the existing contract already includes a clause that would take effect in the event the TOSS chose to create it's own municipal fire department, I became quite curious as to what other possibilities might be available.

So, I decided to call our neighboring towns to see if they had been approached. Here is what I found:

Town of Duck

According to Town Manager Chris Layton, our Town Manager Charlie Read had approached him regarding the possibility of contracting for fire service in Southern Shores several months ago. He indicated that their response was that the Town of Duck was only interested in providing services within their own district.

Town of Kitty Hawk

I spoke to Town Manager John Stockton who indicated that he had been approached by Charlie Read in the “last couple of weeks” and that Kitty Hawk would be “willing to consider a proposal from” the TOSS. I'm not really surprised. If you were to present your current contractor with a contract designed to fail, you would want to have something else lined up.

Now I wonder, would Kitty Hawk accept the same conditions in a proposal as detailed in the contract just presented to the SSVFD? I guess we will have to wait and see. I'll try to keep track of any further progress in this matter, and post updates.

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