Friday, October 23, 2009

Where were you, Mr. Van Curen?..............................................................

Who is Mr. Van Curen? He is a Southern Shores resident that recently wrote a letter to the Editor of the Outer Banks Sentinel entitled "Where were you, Hal Denny", and a long time supporter of Mayor Smith. If my memory is correct, he has written similar letters during previous campaigns involving Don Smith or in support of Don’s agenda.

I pose the question in the title of this post as a retort to Van Curen’s blast at Hal Denny’s record of attendance to TOSS Council meetings. It seems he adheres to a theory that there is some correlation between presence at these meetings and the ability to judge the status and performance of our town government.

Based on his statements one might assume that he must personally attend these meetings himself in order to observe Hal’s lack of attendance. Now, Mr. Van Curen may have attended the one specific meeting he cites, I was unable to attend that one myself (due to an issue at work). But I do know him by sight, and I believe I would have noted his presence at the eighteen or so council meetings I have attended in the last year.

This brings me to the following questions:

Where did Mr. Van Curen get this information?

Is someone in TOSS government tracking citizen attendance at these meetings? Or are there just specific individuals being watched?

In all honesty, I personally believe that this letter was just a political ploy as an attempt to cast doubt on Hal Denny’s ability to judge the Town’s current status and formulate future decisions. There are many other resources and means of determining the performance of the TOSS.

Now, if you feel you must agree in regard to Mr. Van Curen’s theory that attendance at these meetings is vital to understand the state of Town government and it’s affairs, I must pose the following:

I would have to be the ultimate expert and “Guru” of all matters related to TOSS. I began regular attendance to both monthly council meetings in May of 1986. My best estimate of attendance is +/- 300 meetings not including various committee meetings (some on which I served) and special council/retreat sessions. If you wish to verify this, contact the Town Clerk, Carrie Gordon, I was even at the meeting when she was introduced as a new hire.

In my “expert opinion”, if you care about this community or have any concern for the future of our town, you must Vote Hal Denny for Mayor!

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