Thursday, January 29, 2009

Meant to mention this before..........................................

Remember the deadline I mentioned regarding the SSVFD Contract?

The contract was conveyed to the SSVFD on the 20th with the requirement that it be returned by the 27th.

I dropped by Town Hall on the 27th to see if I could talk with either Mayor Smith or Charlie Read, both were out of town for the week.

What was the point?


  1. David,
    Please believe I am not taking sides here. Just trying to be objective. My question is: What difference does it make if the Mayor or Town Manager was going to be out of town that week. If the request was to have the contract back in by the 27th; that is all that matters. Was that too short notice? I don't know. But, your question of "what's the point" is not the point. Get it?

  2. The SSVFD budget is normally due around April of each year, the Contract is discussed in May and entered in June. The current Contract expires June 30, 2009.

    The Town Manager prepared the Contract with the Town Attorney and the Mayor presented it at the meeting on the 20th.

    The Mayor stated "this is it" as far as he was concerned and that the SSVFD had to sign and return it by the 27th or other means of service would have to be arranged.

    I don't know about you, but I felt the "point" was to pressure the SSVFD to decline the contract and clear the way to make to make other arrangements.

    Maybe I'm just old fashioned and place too much emphasis on courtesy and fair play.

  3. I do not defend the Mayor for one moment. However, I find it hard to believe that "our town council..the majority" believes that the town of SS would be better off without the SSVD happily on board. I certainly don't believe that myself. Now, with that said... I believe we may be making too much hull-a-ba-loo over simple phone calls to KH or Duck checking as to whether they would provide support if compromise could not be met. And, I don't beleive that just because KH said "we would consider a proposal" means jack-squat. Forget that. The town of KH would never agree to such a stupid agreement. Both of us knows that. So, why make such a big deal out of it?
    Finally, as to contract dates, etc...try to understand it is important to the town of SS to get the SSVD issue settled early, in order to get other important budget issues in place. After all, the fire department is not the only important thing involved in running a town. Again, not defending anyone, but it is easy to see personality conflicts are getting in the way here. Hope that improves.

  4. I agree, this has been "much ado about nothing" the TOSS has a lot more to deal with than this. It's about time all the posturing and puffery (sp?)ceased and an earnest straight forward contract negotiation begin.

    True, the words of the Mayor do not constitute the wishes of the entire Council. But, voting 4 - 1 to pass on to the SSVFD such an egregious contract was shameful in my opinion.

    I have not posted the Contract since I'm not certain I have a right to do so.

    And you are right KH couldn't possibly agree to that contract. So I pose this question.

    Why should the SSVFD?
